Saturday, January 17, 2009

new semester

The spring semester has started and we are one week into it.
I have enjoyed meeting all my new students, but as usual it is hard to get their
names down.
It is freezing cold here, but so amazingly beautiful with all the snow. I love the
snow piles and the snow on the mountains around us.
Right now I am caught up, but that never lasts long.
I am thinking about where to go in May and when. There are many I know who are
graduating so I am thinking of delaying my trip. I might go to another eastern
European country just to see new places. There are so many beautiful possibilities.
We shall see.
Other than that, I play with my nephew, JR, at least 1-2 times a week and he is growing up
so fast now. He turned 2 in Dec and talks a lot now. He is also learning Bible verses and
doing fun things. He loves the snow as much as I do.