Monday, February 26, 2007

worship and physics

Quantum physicist & inventor David van Koevering says:

The fingerprints and signature of God are seen in the science of sound, and in the purpose, results and physics of worship. The physical characteristics of our universe - from the cells of the human body to the stars reveal God's glory, and they tell us how we can advance His kingdom through worship!

Monday, February 19, 2007

snow abounds

Here in State College, PA we have an abundance of snow on the ground. It has been so fun watching it just fall and fill the empty spaces. I went out on my cross country skiis and enjoyed the blowing wind and freezing temps blowing on my face, but making my skiis slide all the better.
We also did get a day off of Penn State classes last week.
Now, I am working hard to put together a test for my students in the non-verbal communication class. The question is how hard I want to make it. Mostly, I just want to know that they understand things and are ready to move on.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Now it is February! Wow, what a fast January. But, it is finally cold
outside and snow has fallen.
I just spent some time with my nephew, JR, tonight. He is so cute and
simple. God is holding us closely and comforting us just as I hold him
to keep him in a safe place.